Thursday, December 4, 2008

Little Holiday Paper Creations

Here is a quick holiday idea and a great way to use some of those pretty holiday scrapbook papers, lace, ribbon, buttons and other bits. I made a simple stocking pattern from cardstock and used that to cut out these shapes from decorative paper (cardstock works best). Remember to flip the template so that you cut out both sides of the stocking. For the "cuff" you can either use lace, trim or cut paper in a decorative edge.Make a little loop from ribbon. Sew the cuff along the top edge of the stocking (using a decorative stitch if you wish) and make sure to catch the loop in the stitching at the corner. Place the other half of the stocking on the back and sew along the edge. Trim away any uneven edges. Now you can embellish to your heart's content with ribbons, flowers, buttons, etc...
I stuff a bit of fiberfill in the bottom and toe to fill out the stocking and then put a small wad of paper shred coming out of the top to give it the finishing touch! Tie one of these to a package or hide a special surprise in one for someone special. Happy Holidays!


  1. how sweet! these are beautiful!~

  2. Oh Loribeth I just adore these they are so it snowing with you yet ?
    Hugs Lynn xx

  3. Hi Loribeth, how are things going...I am finding the dash up to christmas is just rushing by I barley have time to get things finished. Later this week I must bake..what are you going to cook ?
    Hugs Lynn xx

  4. Oh that sounds so scrummy...I am stuck at home with a really bad back ;-( hopeing it shifts soon!!
    Your sweeties sound delicious, and I just love the idea of a goodie swop, it's a fabulous way to have a variety of scrummy know just how to do it right in your lovely really do.
    Lots of hugs...christmassy ones
    Lynn xx
