Monday, September 17, 2012

New Work

Here is my newest work:  a bracelet using my soldering skills and vintage lace.  This was my first foray into etching metal.  It was fun although I may try it with etching solution next time in hopes of a deeper etch.  I used what I had on hand: muriatic acid and hydrogen peroxide.   I like the way this turned out.  When you are wearing it you think it is a watch but get fooled when you try and tell the time!

This is a little charm that I soldered with some snippets of lace and a vintage millinery flower.  It is wired onto etched metal and adorned with hematite beads.

A change of pace and back to soft fiber after working with metal for the last couple of months.  These are made from old felted sweater sleeves, lace and real pumpkin stems.

I couldn't resist making an aqua pumpkin!


  1. LOVE! The bracelets are wonderful and I love the pumpkis!

  2. Hello Loribeth,
    Your soldered bracelets are fabulous! Wow! What a great design you have created! I love what you have put as focal pieces in them too.
    And...your pumpkins are wonderful! I love soft fabric art!
    Especially yours : )
