Friday, May 17, 2013

Pretty Maids

Creating dolls is my true passion and it's been a while since I've made any new ones.  I just love how these two pretty maids turned out.  They are enjoying the garden in their vintage finery.  I am creating a wedding themed display for the Walpole Artisans Gallery.  Using lots of old lace and doilies!


  1. Hello Loribeth,
    I am so happy to see that you have created some dolls! Yay! These two maids are incredible! Truly. I adore their crackled countenances...their expressions, their vintage finery that lends a pastoral feel. They are amazing!!! Oh my! I am sure your display will be creative delight!
    I hope you are doing o.k. I have been thinking about you.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your Mom. How nice that you had such a wonderful mother though. I'm glad you had her in your life to inspire your incredible art. Those 2 dolls you made are so romantic. Sheer perfection. Keep creating.
