Sunday, January 6, 2008

Off to College and New Mugs

Sent our college boy back to college yesterday. He looked so much like a man checking himself in with the airline and on his cell phone to friends... it's all hard to believe that he is becoming so grown up and independent. And then I see the bedroom he left behind- in shambles after only two weeks! Sheets orange with Dorito crumbs, sprinkled with Skittles, crumpled receipts and the remnants of grandma's rum balls from Christmas. I am just thankful I don't have to see his college apartment on a day to day basis.

On the way back from the airport we stopped at the mall. A big day for me since I only get to a mall about once a year these days. I was dying to check out the Martha Stewart collection at Macy's. It was very nice but I didn't get anything. I did find six new mugs (non MS) that were half price and splurged on them. They were only $5.40 each but it did feel like a splurge since we have used a collection of ugly and mismatched flea market mugs for years. Used one this morning and it was a treat. They have a nice weighty feel.. small things make me happy.

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