Now I know that Christmas is NOT about the gifts... but it is always fun to share with friends some your favorite things under the tree. One of my favorite memories from Christmas morning was calling my best friend (and next door neighbor) Diane up on the phone and setting up a time to see each other's "stuff".
This little lady (Mrs. Claus) was given to me by my mother. I just love her little polka-dot outfit with the ruffly collar, cuffs and apron trim. Maybe I'll make an outfit like this to wear around the holidays!

This was my "big" present from my husband. I want to try some metal working projects this year and can't wait to try this out with all its attachments.

This was also from my mom and dad and late grandmother. For the last couple of years my mom has had a gift for me and each of my sisters with a tag that reads from our grandmother. She has been slowly picking out her treasured possessions and giving them to us. This little silver container has been around for as long as I can remember. No one quite knows what it was used for... soap saver? purse? I do love it.

Inside was this little old tin that once held liver pills. These little trinkets have great memories for me. I think these were always in my grandmother's top drawer.
This antique Christmas postcard was from my husband. I love the image of the child all tucked up in bed.

These beautiful vintage snowflake glasses came from my good friend Carol. I am crazy about them (there are a set of 10!) and am already planning a "Snowflake Luncheon" sometime in February.
Finally.. from my daughter- One of my favorite TV shows growing up. I just love the adventures of Ann Marie. I wanted to be her, have an apartment like her and a boyfriend like Donald and especially her wardrobe!!! It makes me want to go right out and get a pair of white gloves. I love these shows... nobody gets hurt and all troubles are solved in a half hour. My kind of entertainment these days.

Hope your Christmas was fun and just as blessed. It really isn't about the presents but you have to admit, the presents are still fun.