Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I just took every dusty picture down and stacked them against the wall. Better to look at nothing I thought. But last night I had a notion to hang up a garland of vintage wool pennants that I have been saving for years. The kids nixed that and said it looked like a dorm room and why didn't I start a collection of beer cans while I was at it. I have to agree that it didn't turn out the way I had envisioned.
So I looked around and what do I have the most of? Actually stacks of? Vintage fabric...oh yes. Out came my trusty staple gun and some blank art store canvas (I ran up to Job Lots to pick up two more right before they closed because once I get started on an idea I need to do it right then!).

Easy as pie to create new "art" and a splash of color. The hardest part of this project was clearing off a space in my studio to lay it out!

The room doesn't look half bad in this shot. You can't tell that you have to pass through it to get to all other rooms in the house.

The rug was given to me by a friend who had it in her barn ready for the discard pile. It is awkwardly positioned because one section of sofa kept moving and bunching up the whole thing. I think it happens at night when my daughter is wrestling with the dogs. I am hoping it will stay put now.

Not bad for one evening and I love the challenge of using what I have. I kind of like this room again.