Can you guess what I'm doing? (besides making a colossal mess). This is me making a Remains of the Day journal. I had signed up for this wonderful on-line
workshop by
Mary Ann Moss and the idea of using all those little scraps to create unique journal pages really appealed to me because I have boxes of scrappy things that are too good to throw away but what do you do with them? Plus, I save every card/note that was ever sent to me. I thought it would be good to make this stuff into a thing of beauty.

Here is a peek at some of the completed signatures for the book. I used some cool old pages from American Home magazine (1934), old childrens book pages, etc.. Plus she teaches you how to do wonderful things with security envelopes. You will never look at your bills the same way again!

The cover for the journal is patched together from vintage fabric and trims. Here is the back cover.

Here is an inside pocket for collecting trivia.

Cover made from an old quilt square and an image cut from 1940's barkcloth.

Notice the detail of the rick-rack on the tie closure. I had one piece of this and had been saving it for something special. Can you imagine that someone took the time to crochet this edging around a piece of rick-rack? Amazing. I think it came off of an old pillowcase.

Remains of the Day journal all tied up and ready to go. I will take it with me on a trip to Washington DC (my first) and use it to journal about my experiences there. Can't wait.