Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Auction/Thrift Booty
Monday, September 20, 2010
Miss Mouse
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Tale of a Table, a Yard Sale and a Funny Story about Moving Furniture

We are in the midst of a big re-arrange around here. Maybe it's the change of seasons but I think I have moved every piece of furniture in my house in the last several weeks. We have a nice "formal" dining room. Problem is no one but me wants to hike the seven extra steps to eat in there. The kids don't like the room... says it gives them bad vibes. This house was built in 1849 and there was a doctor's office in there at one time so who knows? Anyway, I am tired of eating at the kitchen island on hard stools. Plus we have a long rectangular farmer's table which is beautiful but we don't use most of it so I got it into my head that I wanted a round pedestal table with leaves so that you are using just the amount of table you need but can make it bigger on demand. I began to lust for this table. I thought about it all the time but oh... the price. A bit hard to swallow and since we have a perfectly good table it did seem an unnecessary extravagance.

Swiss Kuchen with Fruit
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter
3/4 cup sugar
2 large eggs
1 tsp lemon extract
1 7/8 cups flour*
2 tsp baking powder
dash of salt
3 Tbsp heavy cream
Fresh fruit such as apricot halves, raspberries, strawberries, peach slices....
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and butter and flour an 8-inch spring form pan.
Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy; add eggs and beat well. Add lemon extract. Mix dry ingredients and add slowly to the creamy mixture while beating. Add cream and beat batter until smooth. Batter will be stiff but have no fear because the moisture from the fruit will seep in and you will end up with a nice moist cake!
Spread batter in the spring form pan and arrange fruit (artfully of course) on top. Keep in mind that you want each slice to contain fruit. Bake 35-40 minutes until done but not overdone.
This is just the right size for afternoon tea with the ladies. It is best eaten that day or the day after but usually gets gobbled right up around here. Serve it on a pretty cake plate with a doily and sprinkle with powdered sugar. If you really want to go crazy, you could whip some cream.
* (I know this is weird but this was translated from the Swiss recipe which was in grams. I just measure 2 cups of flour and then take 1/8 cup away)