I thought I would share my morning walk here on PEI. I hit the red dirt road early. It looked to be a foggy misty day.
This is why we drive 12 hours to spend our time here! Nobody on the beach but me. Such solitude and quiet....well it is just priceless to me.
We get to enjoy lupin twice (also native strawberries). Once in New Hampshire and again in PEI. They grow with abandon by the sides of the road.

Here is Darnley Lighthouse in the fog with neat rows of potatoes planted in the field adjacent.

Last night we saw a big fox with a beautiful bushy tail coming back from the hunt. He was successful because he was carrying what looked like an unlucky mouse in his mouth. There are lots of fox here on the island and they all look quite well fed- not straggly at all. They are just like the ones in the Beatrix Potter stories. I am carrying my camera with me more often in the hopes of getting a photo op.

Here is Darnley Lighthouse in the fog with neat rows of potatoes planted in the field adjacent.

Last night we saw a big fox with a beautiful bushy tail coming back from the hunt. He was successful because he was carrying what looked like an unlucky mouse in his mouth. There are lots of fox here on the island and they all look quite well fed- not straggly at all. They are just like the ones in the Beatrix Potter stories. I am carrying my camera with me more often in the hopes of getting a photo op.