Back from our "get-away"...just the two of us. We took a train from Bellows Falls, Vermont to Union Station in Washington DC. The Amtrack "Vermonter" runs from St. Albans, VT to Washington once per day. Our segment took 10 1/2 hours. We sat in Business Class and had lots of room. It was fun, like going back in time. Flying is not much fun these days with all the intense security and tight seating so this was definitely different. Sit back and read and nap. I packed us a picnic lunch.
This little station in Bellows Falls (or BF as we call it) is right across the river from Walpole, NH where we live. It is a gem with all the original old benches, lighting and old suitcases stacked up in the corner. I would love to see train travel come back as a popular means of travel. It is a much gentler form of transportation to me.

I love the sound of the train whistle. We hear it all the time at our home and it is the best sound late at night when the freight train comes through. It's a lonely sound I think.

Now, for Washington where neither of us have ever been. I did not have high expectations because I am not a real city person. I was just delighted with this city! It was just beautiful and so packed with cultural activities (mostly free) that my head was spinning! The sidewalks are wide and walkable and there are so many nice places to sit and rest and look around. The museums left me speechless. And the architecture was stunning. I will definitely go back and try to see all the things that I couldn't squeeze in. I ran my husband into the ground and he "surrendered" after the third day with throbbing legs and "museum overload". I think it happened in Natural History while looking at meterorites.
We never did get in to see the treasures inside this building but the architecture outside is time, I guess.

This was the view from our room on Pennsylvania Avenue. At night with all the monuments lit up, it is quite memorable.

We didn't get into the White House (I guess you need like a year's notice to get tickets) but I peeked as best I could. You can actually get up pretty close on the north side near Lafayette Park. I tried to get a glimpse of something....maybe Bo the White House dog frolicking in the yard or the kids playing on the swing set but no luck.

We had a wonderful time at our nation's capitol. I must say I felt like I got my money's worth out of my tax dollars this week!