The taffeta, lace and jeweled trim have been flying around my studio this week as I just finished up two princess dolls for a special order. I was asked to make them extra fancy with plenty of "bling". These are a definite departure from my usual style of doll making as I now almost exclusively use vintage fabrics. However, it sure was fun to go digging around in my old costume fabrics. It brought back some memories of Halloweens past.

Recognize this pink sparkly number? It helped to dress the most glamorous movie star in the neighborhood quite a few years ago.

And the gold trim I used for this little swashbuckler sure came in handy too! The purple sparkle dot taffeta was left over from a wizard cape but I couldn't find a photo for that. It really reminds me how grown up my kids are now. I do miss doing it up big for Halloween.

So it was so much fun to create these little princesses and it proves once again.... hang on to that fabric! You never know when you will need taffeta and gold braid.