I am happy to say that I am on my last job of wallpaper removal for this home. This is our south hallway. The house was originally a two family home so we have two completely separate hallways and staircases. It's nice to have two sets of stairs but also a large waste of space too. Luckily the plaster and ceiling is in very good shape on this side of the house which is the "newer" side.

When I removed the paper here I uncovered an old doorway which leads to the older side of the house. I am not sure how the rooms were configured long ago or even when the newer side was built. They plugged up the doorway with my favorite "beaver board". I am glad I only have that small section to deal with.

Here is my working platform to reach the walls above the stairwell. I try not to imagine catastrophe as I cling to dear life against the wall while I am working and remember not to step back or look down! I will finish this section quickly so that I can be on firmer ground once more.
Yikes Loribeth! Please don't fall!
I have done similar and cringe when I think back. All is well though.
How exciting it is the last bit of wallpaper! I have had moments of joy like that too.
Looking good!
Good luck with the last stretch...how exciting to almost be there.
Love transformation! You go girl!
Loribeth, thanks for dropping by!
It's wonderful to find you!
That is so scarry! I don't think I could do it. But hey on a good note at least you can reach that part of your wall. I on the other hand can not.
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